What exactly is the slot machine return rate?

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Slot machines are a treasure in the eyes of experts, but an abyss in the eyes of gamblers. Some people can use slot machine money to roll money and continuously increase their winnings, while some people can lose everything overnight. Today, the editor of Sugarplay will reveal to you the secrets and principles behind online slot machines.

Tiger machine structure and principle

“Slot machines”, also known as slot machines, are the most popular type of electronic gaming machines today. It does not require any skills at all, but it has the magic power to make people pour all their wealth into it. This skill is to make good use of psychology, allowing players to create the illusion of “almost winning” and keep betting. But in fact, the principle behind slot machines is just “probability”, which is the focus of today’s editor Qian “slot machine return rate”.

What exactly is the slot machine return rate?

So what exactly is the slot machine return rate? Thinking about it simply, it is actually similar to the concept of return on investment, which is the ratio of how much money you invest and how much money you earn back in the end.

※Slot machine return rate: If set to 70%, it means that if the bite score is 1000 points, the prize will be 700 points※

The bite points of the slot machine are cumulative, and the points will not be reset to zero when players change. For example: the return rate of a slot machine is set to 80%, the first player plays the first round (100 hands played), the machine takes 1,000 points and gives out 700 points. At this time, the return rate reaches 70%. The second player comes to play the second round (the same 100 hands). The machine takes 1000 points and gives away 900 points. At this time, the machine “accumulates” 2000 points and gives up 1600 points. The return rate reaches 80 %.

Different slot machines have different return rates. Generally speaking, the return rate of slot machines in land-based casinos is around 92%, while the average return rate of slot machines in online casinos is 95%. The return rate of slot machines with “jackpot” will be lower than that of traditional slot machines. In some slot machines, the higher the bet, the higher the return rate.

Because slot machines are not like other games where each player is an independent individual, so even if there is a formula for slot machine return rates, players still cannot confirm how many points they have eaten or how many points they have spit out in the previous round, so they can only play blindly without thinking. Note. So why can some people still get a bunch of winnings from slot machines, or even double their earnings and become rich overnight?

How to make money from online slot machines?

Playing online slot machines does not mean that the more money you put in, the more you will win, but that you have to seize the opportunity to enter the market at the right time. “Know your friends and know yourself, and you will be victorious in every battle.” To crack online slot machines, you must know the design behind the slot machines. The editor of Sugarplay has simply compiled three methods so that you can easily earn large bonuses from online slot machines!

  1. Master the three major cycles of slot machines
    Each slot machine will have three periods, which are also the key to scoring the slot machine: the eating period, the spitting period, and the transition period. When the machine starts spitting out small points, it means that the machine has enough points to start giving out big prizes. At this time, the player can take advantage of the victory and pursue it. How to make good use of these three periods to gain bonuses? Editor Qian has written another more detailed guide on online slot machine skills. You can go to this article to master the slot machine skills.
  2. Test the return rate, you will make money if it is very low
    I just talked about the concept of slot machine return rate. You may think that if the first person plays the first round (assuming 100 hands), it takes 1000 points and gives out 500 points, which only reaches 50%. The second person plays the first round. In 2 rounds (assuming there are still 100 hands), if it scores 1,000 points, it must give out 1,100 points. Then doesn’t the second person definitely win?

    But it’s not. The actual situation is: when the first person plays the first round (assuming 100 hands), it takes 1000 points and gives out 500 points, which only reaches 50%. When the second person plays the second round, the slot machine’s The record number of hands in the second round may be 200. It takes 2000 points and gives away 1900 points. In this way, the total points taken in the two rounds are 3000 points and the total points given out are 2400 points. The return rate reaches 80%. If the person in front of you loses, the person behind you will also lose.

    Therefore, the return rate in the previous round needs to be extremely low before high scores are possible in the later round. Therefore, it is recommended that when you first start playing slot machines, you first test the return rate of the machine with small bets, and then decide whether to bet large sums.

  3. Choose the right online slot machine
    Many designs of casino slot machines will mislead players that their chances of winning are greater than they actually are. In addition, as mentioned just now, the return rate of casino slot machines averages around 92%, while the average return rate of online slot machines is around 95%. Relatively speaking, casinos The winning rate of slot machines is relatively low, so many players are now switching from physical casinos to playing online slot machines. In addition, the jackpots of online slot machines are relatively rich, and it is not a problem to win a jackpot of hundreds of thousands at a time. However, how to choose the right online slot machine is another big test. In addition to looking at the return rate, you can also rely on the preferential activities of the online slot machine platform to make up for the gap!

Playing online slot machines in Sugarplay Casino not only offers a high return rate of 95% on average, but also provides rich promotions and huge jackpots for members to claim!
Sugarplay Entertainment City also has nearly a hundred types of online slot machines, ranging from exquisite to cute styles! The only choice for online slot machines is Sugarplay, and you will become a lucky person who gets rich overnight!

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